Thursday, June 14, 2012


I read a book titled Necessary Endings. The author uses the illustration of growing roses to teach about times that we need to end unhealthy relationships. The book helped me to make important changes in my life. But my roses have also flourished since reading the book because I learned how to cut off unhealthy branches.

Reading God's word teaches us what we need to cut out of our lives and what we need to change. God teaches us about our relationship with him through his Word.

I was having a discussion with women about a doctrine some years ago. I mentioned several scriptures to substantiate the doctrine. Her reply to me was, "I don't care what scripture says, I just know (thus and thus) is true". She was fully depending on someone else's teaching about God to direct her life choices and had no desire to research or question what scripture had to say.

Jesus said we are sanctified by God's word. All other sources will fail us (John 17:17).