Judas publicly stood with those who planned to kill Jesus (John 18:5). He choose a kiss, the usual sign of affection, as his sign of betrayal (Mt 26:48-50).
Everyone would have been talking about the fact that one of his own men brought him to the slaughter. It would have been headline news as proof that the "self proclaimed Messiah" was a phony. Even Peter publicly denied Jesus (John 18:15, 25-27).
So it is today, when believers who carried the name of Christian (Christ follower) make choices that betray their faith. The temptation for Judas was money (Mt 26:15). For Peter it was fear (John 18:15, 25-27). For us it may be power, or popularity, or passion.
Judas never trusted God for forgiveness (Mt 27:3-10). Peter did (Luke 22:31-32).
What will you do?