Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let's Be Careful

We are beginning to see the culmination of Judas’ life. When he first came to Jesus, he worked miracles along with the other eleven disciples (Mt 10:5-10; Mk 3:14-19). But he was overcome with his lust for wealth (John 12:4-6) until is corrupted his soul to the point of listening to Satan (John 13:2). He acted to fulfill that burning thirst in his spirit making a contract with the Pharisees to betray Jesus (Mt 26:14-16).

Judas sealed his fate when he took the bread from Jesus’ hand at the last supper. It was at that moment Judas became possessed by Satan (John 13:27).

It was a long tedious process for Judas to fight against the Truth and give himself over to his lusts which ultimately lead to his spiritual and physical death (Mt 27:1-5). Scripture tells us if we sew to the flesh we will reap corruption.

Let’s be careful out there (1 Peter 1:13-21)