Spikenard oil was extremely expensive. We understand from Judas’ comment that a pound of spikenard would cost the equivalent of one year’s wages of a worker. In today’s economy at minimum wage it would cost approximately, $16,640.
Jesus said when Mary washed his feet with it she was doing it for his burial (John 12:7-8). A couple of days later another woman did a similar thing, but in that case she also anointed Jesus’ head (Mark 14:3-5) In both cases the women were criticized, and in both cases Jesus defended their actions as part of the process of his burial (Mark 14:6-9).
In the beginning of his ministry a woman anointed Jesus’ feet with fragrant oil, her tears washing his feet. She also used her hair to dry them (Luke 7:37-39). She also was criticized by onlookers.
In the Old Testament the priests were anointed with fragrant perfume before they began their ministry (Exodus 29:29; 40:12-15). Jesus’ ministry began with anointing and ends with anointing. He was and is our High Priest (Hebrews 5:1-6).