It had been an extremely exciting yet exhausting day for the disciples. Dealing with crowds can take the strength out of you. Then add that to the excitement of the miracle of the five barely loaves and two small fish and you can understand why the disciples were anxious to get home. They had much to tell their family members. Their bodies must have been pumping all kinds of adrenaline because of the hope of a coming kingdom and the role they would be playing.
They waited for Jesus to come back from his walk as long as they could. We are not told who first brought up the idea, but someone said, “Let’s just get home. It’s dark already. He probably plans to spend the night out there. He’s done it before.” Exciting news to the family and a warm bed sounded awfully inviting, so they all got into the boat and started rowing.
The problem soon became evident when the wind started howling and the waves began tossing the boat first up on side then down the other.
Rushing ahead of God’s timing always causes trouble.