We celebrate beginnings. We give wedding and baby showers. We have birthday parties and honor anniversaries. We have graduation ceremonies and give retirement parties. In the religious world there is something called an ordination service. That is when a group of people publicly recognize a particular individual has been called into ministry. They are usually anointed with oil and symbolically sent into the world to minister.
Jesus’ baptism was a heavenly ordination service. Mathew, Mark and Luke tell us Jesus was immediately sent into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Upon his return we see him calling his disciples and beginning his ministry (John 1: 39-2:11).
Jesus’ baptism announced his change from private life to public. God has instructed all of us to be baptized (Mt 28:19; Acts 2:38, 8:12, 10:47-48; Romans 6:3-4). It is our public announcement that we are no longer following our own will but we have chosen to follow his. It is our ordination from an ordinary life to a life dedicated solely to please God.