John 2:13-20 tells us about one of the times Jesus cleaned out the temple. The Old Testament law allowed people who lived at great distances to buy their animals for sacrifice in Jerusalem. How more convenient could it be than to have a market at the temple? In Mathew 21:12-13 we find out the problem was over pricing. The people were required to offer sacrifices so the merchants had them over a barrel. The travelers had to pay the asking price or leave without their sins being covered for another year.
Unfortunately dishonesty can also occur in the House of God. Honest businessmen charge honest prices. They have to charge more than it costs to make their product, but not so much that it takes unfair advantage of those in need.
There is an old saying I have heard some Christians use. “Business is business.” But God says whatever I do it is to be for the glory of God. Our business is always God’s business.