After Jesus turns the water into wine, the head waiter tells the bridegroom, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior” (John 2:10). In other words, after everyone is drunk they no longer care if the wine is good.
So it is with sin. At first it seems like it will meet our emotional needs. But after we are drunk with our pleasure, we become enslaved to the very thing we thought would free us (John 8:34). The enjoyment is gone.
But the headwaiter also said, “You have kept the good wine until now.” The Lord saves the best until the last. We have him with us now, and that is good. But one day we will see him face to face and forever live with him in his home he has prepared for us (John 14:1-2). We will enter into his joy (Mt 25:21).