There was a thick veil in the temple between the Holy of Holies where only the High priest entered once a year and the sanctuary where daily sacrifices were made. The veil was made of blue, purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen. It had cherubim and hung on gold hooks and silver sockets. It was a beautiful barrier hiding the Ark of the Covenant which held the mercy seat of God (Exodus 26:31).
The writer of Hebrews explains that God set up this system to teach us that the way into the literal presence of God was not yet available. It was a picture of what was to come (Hebrews 9:1-10). But when Christ came, died and rose again all of that was changed (Hebrews 9:11-15).
That is why when Jesus gave up his life the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom. It signified the way into the literal presence of God had been made available through Christ’s sacrifice.
Today is a good day to rejoice that we live in the presence of God (Acts 17:28).