We as believers are always looking forward to Christ’s return. We long for the days when God’s will, will be fully realized on earth as it is in heaven. We rejoice over the thought of a world free from war, sickness, pain, suffering and taxes. How glorious it will be to be able to enter the New Jerusalem and behold God on his throne (Rev 21:1-5).
But that time is not yet. As Jesus instructed us, we pay our taxes, obey the governing authorities and live according to the laws of our land (Mt 22:21; Romans 13:1-7). But that does not mean our life is mundane. On the contrary, it is filled with the glorious works of Christ which God is accomplishing through us on a daily basis (Eph 1:16-21; 2:10; 3:10),
Watch for how God is working through you today.