To some happily married people, the information that we will not be married in heaven is disappointing (Mt 22:29-30). But to others, well let’s just say they are looking forward to that time.
Whichever side of that issue we find ourselves, we need not fret about it, because we won’t care about marriage as we know it today. It will have served its purpose and will be done away with. It is like a child and his favorite toy. He cannot imagine ever being without it. But as he matures as an adult he may recall playing with the toy as a fond memory, but he does not yearn to play with it again.
We will be married to the Lamb of God. We are the church, the bride of Christ (Eph 5:27; Rev 19:7; Rev 22). We will be so full of the amazing glory of God that all of earth’s treasure will be like sand on the sea shore. It is beautiful as a whole but each grain is insignificant. Our activities will reflect the wisdom and glory of God as we see how he was at work in every facet of our lives, but we will have no desire to return.