Jesus asked the Sadducees and Pharisees about the Christ (the Messiah). “Whose Son is He?”
The men had no choice but to answer what they themselves had taught, “The Son of David.” Jesus responded, “How then does David in the Spirit call him ‘Lord,” saying: The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”? If David then calls him ‘Lord’, how is he his son?”
That is like a father calling his son Daddy, or his daughter Mommy. It would be considered at least foolish and at best unheard of.
The Messiah, though he was born of David, was David’s Messiah, Master, Lord. In other words something supernatural was occurring and could not fit into cultural norms. The political leaders dared not ask him any more questions lest they look more like fools than they already did (Mt 22”47-46).
The time comes when our questions are no longer honest but thinly veiled excuses for not serving God with our whole hearts.