Jesus ended his parable about the hired field-hands with this question. “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?” (Mathew 20:15).
Have you ever experienced, as many of us have, jealousy over ministries of others? Passion for ministry can drive us to fast and pray for God to give us the ability to minister as he has given to others and yet nothing changes. Some might tell us we need to fast more, pray more or believe more. They want us to believe the reason we don’t have a powerful ministry is because we have failed.
What does scripture say about this issue? John 3:27 tells us the decision of the expanse of a ministry comes from heaven. Romans 12:5-6 says we have differing gifts according to the grace of God that has been given to us. Hebrews 2:4 tells us that the Holy Spirit distributes gifts according to his will. The scriptures tell us to desire gifts, but never teaches that we decide which ones we have.
Our job is to seek God. He will then give us the ministry he has predestined us to have. The issue is not size of ministry, but obedience.