If you were a new sheep farmer and had taken a second mortgage out on your house to purchase 100 sheep, you would take great care of those sheep. Imagine a family came to visit whom you had not seen since they had children. You marvel at how beautiful they are, how much they have grown and how fast time flies. Near dinner time you call the children in from playing around the farm. One of your children casually mentions the one of the visitors had opened the gate and one of the sheep had fun away. I wonder how long it would take you to leave the kitchen and head out to hunt for that sheep.
• Jesus said if a farmer has one hundred sheep and one is lost, the shepherd leaves the 99 and hunts for the missing sheep. He likened the shepherd to his Father searching for lost sheep. Jesus said, “For the Son of man is come to save the lost,…Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” (Mathew 18:11-14).
• Jesus came to seek you out so that he could make you his child.