Friday, November 19, 2010

A Child's God

We are God to our children because we are so much more powerful than they are and know so much more than they do. Their conception of who God is, is formed by how we relate to them. If we tell them by our actions that God is angry, unforgiving, unmerciful, unjust, harsh, critical, unloving, they will believe it and struggle to relate to God all of their lives.

If on the other hand we relate to them with firmness, love, forgiveness, justice, loving authority, gentleness, kindness, support, encouragement, they will see God in the same light. They will find it much easier to believe that God authentically cares for them.

We are not just forming a relationship with our children as they become adults, but we are forming their concept of God.

What does God look like to your children? (Mt 18:6-7)