When Jesus explained to the disciples the things he would have to suffer, Peter reacted indignantly. The Bible says he took Jesus aside to speak with him. I can almost see the tension on Peter's face and hear the surprise in his voice to think that Jesus could be so mistaken. “Never, Lord!” This shall never happen to you!”
Jesus immediately rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men” (Mathew 16:21-23).
Peter thought Jesus should be king but certainly not be crucified. It didn’t make sense to him. But Jesus had to suffer so that he could save all of us, including Peter.
We need to be careful in saying no one needs to suffer. It is true there is only one Savior who suffers for our salvation. But we do not know specifically what God accomplishes through our suffering. It may be that is the road he has chosen for certain of his children so that his name will be magnified through them.
We know whether we suffer or not, Jesus will always be with us (Romans 8:17; Hebrews 18:5-6).