Scripture teaches us that persecution will come to God’s children. Some of us will be brought before rulers, but most of us simply face day to day opposition from people who do not know Christ. Our challenge is to remain at peace and not to fear.
Jesus told us in Mathew 10:18-20 that we do not need to worry about what we will say when we are confronted with difficult questions. “For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.”
I read the Word of God so that I am prepared. I spend time in his presence so that I get used to hearing his still small voice. I change those things he has pointed out to me. I obey what I read in the Word. I hide God’s word in my heart so that I will not sin against him. Then I rest in him, knowing that he will direct my every step and give me the words to say the moment I need them.