The man who had been delivered from his torturous life of self-mutilation and mental torment begged Jesus to allow him to enter the boat and follow him, but Jesus refused his pleading. Instead he said, “Go home to your friends and tell them how great things the Lord has done for you and how he had compassion on you.” (Mark 5:18-19).
Immediately the man did the very thing Jesus had instructed. He became a local evangelist, spreading the good news of the compassion and mercy of God. Everywhere he told his story, people marveled (Mark 5:20).
There are times when our love for God inspires our imagination and we make plans of what we will do for Christ. But emotional responses do not always match up with God’s plan for our lives. Like the man who was delivered, Jesus has other plans for us. If we are true followers of him, we will be grateful for how he decides to use us in his kingdom.
Often our lives do not turn out like we planned. But we can rest assured, that God’s plan for our lives will always be fulfilled (Proverbs 16:19; Job 42:2; Psalm 138:8).