Children can be cruel with one another, unfortunately so can adults. I am reminded of the old adage, “Let it roll off you like water off a duck’s back.” In Jesus’ day the adage was, “Shake the dust off your feet.” In other words, don’t let the meanness of another enter your heart.
Jesus told the disciples to go into cities and towns and preach the gospel. He instructed them to stay in homes of people who were known to follow God. As guests, the disciples were to bless the homes. But if the home or the city turned out not to be true followers of God but rejected the message of the Messiah, they were to shake the dust off their feet (Mathew 10:11-14).
Paul advised us, “As much as it depends on you, live at peace with all men.” The point is not everyone will allow you to live at peace with them. In those cases, make sure the turmoil is not being caused by your behavior. Once you know you are choosing according to godly principles, if they still show animosity toward you, “shake the dust off your feet,” and move on.