Peter gives a lengthy admonishment on submitting ourselves to those in authority. He covers governments (2:13-14), forced labor (2:18), and chosen companions (3:11,7).
Sometimes God provides a way out of these relationships (Mt 19:9; 1 Cor 7:11, 15-16, 21). But as long as we remain in them, we are to submit ourselves to the one in authority as an example of what Christ suffered on our behalf (1 Peter 2:21-25).
This does not close the door to leaving an unhealthy situation. But if we leave, we are to do it with as much grace and dignity as is becoming a servant of God.
Remember Jesus did not submit himself to those who would abuse him until the appointed time of the crucifixion. Many times the religious people wanted to put him to death. But because his time had not come, he did not submit himself to them (John 8:59).
There are an appointed set of martyrs (Rev 6:9-11) and it is doubtful that an abusive relationship fits into that category.