If we hire someone to do yard work, fix our car or paint our home, we expect them to use their time wisely and pay attention to detail. If we work for someone else, we are expected to do our job well and to use our time wisely so that we can receive our paycheck at the end of the pay period.
Though we know we are not saved by good works, good works follow those who are saved. Peter puts it bluntly, “If you call on the Father who judges without partiality according to each man’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear…” (1 Peter 1:17).
We need to remember that we are not playing a game created by men with great imaginations, but the Son of God suffered excruciating pain to give us life. He willingly gave everything so that we could have life, faith and hope (1 Peter 1:17-20).
Let’s take seriously our commission of righteous living.