Yesterday we discussed a small girl and boy who suffered humiliation because they were Christians. Yet Peter says, “…he who believes on Him {Jesus} will by no means be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6).
Jesus himself suffered humiliation, was made fun of by soldiers, was despised by men, hung naked on the cross and was publicly ridiculed. How then can Peter those who believe will not be put to shame?
We are too quick to look for earthly answers. Our salvation is eternal. Though we may suffer persecution, shame and ridicule here on earth, we will never be put to shame eternally. The outcome will be as promised and those who overcome will rule with Christ forever (Rev 5:9-10; 20:6).
Eternity will come and in fact has already started. When Christ returns those who shamed others will bear their own shame and those who suffered shame for Christ will live in glorious joy.