The book of Judges is full of stories of God delivering his people from oppressors. In chapters six and seven we read these words, "Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian for seven years, and the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel" (Judges 6:1-2).
The Midianites came with more camels than anyone person could number. The men destroyed all the crops of Israel and killed thier cattle. God's children lived in poverty hiding in caves. When Israel finally had enough, they called out to God for help, and God answered by sending Gideon.
It is ironic that though they were crying out to God for divine interveention, they threatened to kill Gideon because he tore down the altar of the false god Baal. Were they hedging their bets?
Do we hedge our bets by continuing to do unethical things the world sees as acceptable, but are contrary to the principles taught in God's word? Do our mouths kill those who tear down our altar to the false god of convenience?