Thursday, November 24, 2011

Voice of Strangers

Jesus said his sheep will not follow a stranger because they do not know the voice of strangers (John 10:5). When we hear of a teaching that contradicts God’s Word, there is a kind of emotional red flag that rises in us, our breath kind of catches in our throat.

Unfortunately some people are so afraid of hearing a stranger’s voice, that the refuse to listen or consider any new thoughts. I knew a woman who refused to read any other book than the Bible, even though it was a Christian author. She was fearful of being fooled. What she did not take into account was her own human tendency to distort the truth.

We all need to consider what a fellow believer has to say since scripture makes it clear that each child of God has something to contribute to others ( Romans 12: 1-10; I Corinthians 12:1-11; Galatians 6:6;); Ephesians 4:11-16)