Paul tells Titus to speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority. "Let no man despise thee" (Titus 2:15). We have no control over what others think of us. So how can we keep others from despising us? Is that even possible?
The need to be liked has driven too many of us to destructive behaviors. We have compromised the truth. We have not stood up for what was right out of fear of rejection. We have allowed havoc to reign in our homes, churches and businesses in an effort to avoid conflict. Surly this is not what Paul is admonishing Titus to do.
When Paul exhorts, "Let no one despise you", he is telling Titus and the rest of Christ's followers to speak the truth regardless of how others may view us. If they despise us, we speak the truth. If they love us, we speak the truth. If they are indifferent to us, we speak truth. Our speech should be considerate, kind and wise, but it must never speak anything less than truth.