When Jesus appears to his disciples the first time after he has raised from the dead he tells them, "Peace be to you; as the Father sent me, I also am sending you" (John 20:21).
Jesus came as a vulnerable baby of a poor family, though he had the wealth of his heavenly father at his fingertips. Jesus walked among men without lording it over them, though he held their breath in his hands. Jesus submitted to the governing authority of his day, though he had the power to raise up rulers or tear them down at will. Jesus was the Lord of the universe, yet he washed men's feet. Jesus could have called tens of thousands of angels to destroy every person who opposed him, yet he submitted to the cross for our sake. He literally had life and death in his power yet he only spoke what the father told him to speak.
Jesus did not focus on his power while he was on earth, but humbly and clearly relayed his Father's message. We are called to do the same.