If we have the responsibility to offer or withhold forgiveness, shouldn't we know what forgiveness looks like (John 20:22-23)? The best example of forgiveness comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. While he was on the cross, he spoke the words, Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).
Clearly he was not speaking of those who completely understood what they had connived to do (John 8:42-47). But he speaks to people like Saul, later named Paul, who thought he was serving God when he put Christians into prison (Acts 9: 1; Philippians 3:6).
God clearly sees within the heart; we cannot. So how can we tell if someone knows full well what they are doing, and those who believe they are doing right but are mistaken? John the Baptist taught us, our forgiveness is offered at the time of the offense, but not played out until the fruit of repentance has time to be manifest (Matthew 3:7-12).