The Pharisees believed that God would not hear the prayer of a sinner. They believed certainly did not believe a heathen could perform miracles. So when Jesus healed the man who was born blind they were faced with a problem. If they admitted he did a miracle, he had to be from God. If he was from God that meant they were rebellion against Jehovah. That simply was not acceptable. They had to come up with an excuse, some reason this was not a miracle.
A group of Pharisees said making clay on the Sabbath was work, therefore it could not be a miracle from God(John 9:16). Other men refused to believe the man had been born without his sight (Vs 18). I supposed if he was not born blind it could be a trick.
The difficulty was that the blind man had been begging so long that all his neighbors and everyone who frequented the temple recognized him. They all knew he was blind. Then his parents admitted that he had been born blind. The Pharisees were backed into a corner. So they did the only thing they knew how to do. They kicked the man out of the temple.
Stubborn unbelief makes one unreasonable.