In the story of Jesus healing the man who was born blind is a small phrase that is extremely important. It is only four words and easily read without a second thought. The phrase is “And he worshiped him” (John 9:38).
This simple phrase carries the doctrine of the deity of Jesus. Scripture continually instructs us not to worship anyone or anything but the only true God. Yet when this man worships Jesus, Jesus does not correct or rebuke him. He accepts his worship and in fact confirms it, not only with his absence of rebuke but his following comment.
“For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and hat those who see may be made blind” (John 9:39). Since there is no recording of Jesus ever striking someone physically blind, we understand he is referring to spiritual sight. The healed man saw Jesus for who he was and responded appropriately.
Take a moment now and follow his example.