My mother was recently in the Emergency room. My father sat by her bed holding her hand praying silently that God would spare her life. When the nurse pulled aside the curtain, he noticed my mother and father’s display of attention. “You two are so cute,” he smiled. My father told him they had just celebrated 64 years of marriage. The young man said he and his wife hoped to have that good a marriage as well.
My mother and father depend on one another, respect one another and love one another. Their relationship reflects the Son’s relationship with the Father. The Son taught only his Father’s doctrine (John 6:16). He spoke only the words that his Father told him to say (John 14:24) and did only what the Father showed him to do (John 5:19-20).
But we tend to add words to the simple language of the Bible and teach our own persuasions as though they were clearly taught in the Word.
The slightest distortion of the truth is deadly. We need to examine what we want to say. Does the Bible clearly state what we teach someone else, or are we using the Bible to get our own point across? Are our words truly Jesus’ words?