After Jesus healed the leper he told him to go and show himself to the priest. The Old Testament gave instructions that any leper who was no longer contagious to go to the priest so the priests could test to see if it was truly safe for the individual to return to society. But why would Jesus tell the leper to show himself to the priest when there was obviously no doubt the man had been healed?
He said he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Mt 5:17). So he sent the leper to the priest because the law required it and since Jesus had not yet died and had not yet risen again, everyone was still under the law.
While Jesus walked the earth, he lived the life of a dedicated Jew. He attended the synagogue (Mt 12:9) and celebrated the feasts (Mt 26:17; Lk 2:41; Jn 5:1). He did this even though the synagogue was run by Pharisees and Sadducees, hypocrites of the highest order.
Jesus was serving his Father. He came to do the work his Father sent him to do regardless of the behavior of others.
It is interesting to note the perfect Son of God attended synagogue (church) knowing full well that the leaders were not true followers of God. Yet many people today do not attend church explaining, I don’t believe in organized religion because of all the hypocrisy.
Jesus was so dedicated to worship of his father that he attended church though he knew the pastors actively were seeking to kill him.