Job’s friends had a belief system that would not allow them to accept the fact that bad things happen to good people. They were convinced that only the wicked suffered the kind of losses Job experienced (Job 4:7-11). Their religious culture believed that God only sends blessings and never requires suffering and loss from his people (Job 8:8-10).
Eliphaz tells a very interesting story about a vision he has in the middle of the night. He is filled with dread to the point of his entire body shaking. “A spirit passed before my face; the hair on my body stood up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance. A form was before my eyes; there was silence; then I heard a voice saying; ‘Can a mortal be more righteous than God? Can a man be more pure than his Maker? If he puts no trust in his servants, if he charges his angels with error, how much more those who dwell in houses of clay?”
We know this is a demonic spirit because God states that Eliphaz has spoken in error (Job 42:7). As usual Satan distorts the truth to discourage God’s people. It is true that none of us are righteous. It is true that none of us could stand before God on our own merit. But it is not true that God does not have mercy toward those who serve him. If God struck us down for every fault, we would not live past childhood.
Our suffering is not necessarily a result of our poor behavior. It can be a real-time demonstration to spirit beings of the sustaining power of God.
In the end Job is brought out of the trial of a lifetime and given double all he had lost (Job 42:10). Though God may call us to go through deep waters for some eternal purpose, he will not allow our spirit to be destroyed. He will restore us.