Are we sheepherders, or shepherds? Sheepherders push the sheep out in front. They do not lead by example of service but drive the sheep. The shepherd leads the sheep. They follow because they know from experience that the shepherd loves them.
What is our attitude to those under our influence? Each one of us influences those around us, either for harm or for spiritual growth. That makes us all shepherds.
As overseers, we guide by our words and our interactions with others (1 Peter 5:2). We do this not because we are forced to, but we do it willingly (1 Peter 5:2). We do not do it to gain money or wealth, but eagerly as those who love God (1 Peter 5:2).
We do not act as lords over others, but interact as servants; always remembering people do not belong to us, but to God (1 Peter 5:3).
When the Chief shepherd appears he will judge or reward us according to our interaction with those who must submit to our authority (1 Peter 5:4).