Peter ends his warning that the end is coming by admonishing us to love one another. It is not an expressionless love of sweet sounding words with no actions, but a practical love for the members of our physical and spiritual family.
He tells us to be fervent about our love because we will need it to forgive one another (1 Peter 4:8). He tells us to be hospitable with one another, to invite others into our homes and not complain about having to do so. He tells us we have been given gifts, not to horde or keep to ourselves, but to share them with those who know us (1 Peter 4:9-10).
When we speak to others our words and actions are to be as though God were speaking and interacting with them (1 Peter 4:11). God is glorified if we always live with this standard in mind. He alone gets the glory because it is only by his grace that we are able to have a godly response to everyone around us.