Acquaintances and friends have said the Bible was written so the powerful can control those under them. Peter’s next statement at first may appear to confirm that philosophy. “Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward” (1 Peter 2:18).
But Paul clarifies that issue when he warns masters of slaves to stop threatening their slaves because the masters have a Master in heaven who will avenge wrong doing whether it be from a slave or a master of a slave (Ephesians 6:9).
The same principle affects employees and bosses. Every man and woman will stand before God and be judged for doing what is right and for the way he or she treats others in the line of authority. The way we interact is not based on other peoples’ actions and attitudes, but on our relationship with God.
The same principle affects employees and bosses. Every man and woman will stand before God and be judged for doing what is right and for the way he or she treats others in the line of authority. The way we interact is not based on other peoples’ actions and attitudes, but on our relationship with God.