‘Wives be subject to your own husbands’ ( 1 Peter 3:1). It does not say women are subjects to men. It does not say all men rule over women. It does not say men are smarter than women. It dies not say men are more important than women. It simply teaches that a wife has a relationship that requires working with and considering her husband and does not think only of herself.
The verses before and after reflect the kind of submission that is required. Slaves and employees operate under bosses and slave owners that are to always just. Sometimes husbands are not just. When a wife submits to her husband she does it as unto the Lord (1 Peter :219-25; Ephesians 5:22-23, 6:5-90.
However, the scripture is not teaching that women do whatever their husbands want regardless of whether the action demanded is sinful. Women submit as unto the Lord. So that if a sinful act is demanded or requested the woman resists evil as any godly godly person must. She is not arrogant about it, but calmly resolved (1 Peter 3:4; Ephesians 5:22).