I have lived in North Dakota, in Illinois and in the mountains of Northern California, where the snow pills high, the wind howls outside your windows and snow gathers in wind drifts five feet high across your driveway..
Moving from your warm home out into the icy wind is not something most of us enjoy. However, we need to make a living, so we put on our boots, thick overcoats, gloves and head out to the car. We shiver while scrapping off the windshield; we may grumble while we pull out into the traffic; but as the car warms up while driving down the lane, we flip on the radio and become comfortable. It's a quick dash into the office, a hot cup of coffee and our minds are ready for work.
When God suddenly shuts a door, or moves us through a new one, it can feel a bit like dashing through that icy wind. It is uncomfortable until we get our bearings and warm up to the new task he has given us. When that happens, remember Paul's words to Timothy. "Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses" (1 Timothy 6:12).
Perhaps the new move is not about you, but about someone God is sending you to meet.