The wind was howling. The waves were rocking the boat unmercifully. The disciples knew that these unpredictable storms had killed many unsuspecting sailors. Then they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them. Their fear escalated to panic. Then Jesus called to them over the rough seas, “Be of good cheer! It is I: do not be afraid.”
Peter filled with faith called back, “If it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” What was Jesus’ response? “Come”.
Peter got out of the boat. Set his feet on what was liquid but now felt like cement under his feet. Taking a few steps, he saw a huge swell moving toward him. He began to sink. “Lord, save me!” He screamed. Scripture says Jesus “stretched out his hand and caught him, and said o him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat the wind ceased.
Peter started out with great faith, but the storm distracted him from the Lord.
Often in the beginning of a trial we have faith that God will see us through. But as time wears on we begin to doubt. We see the swell and are sure we are going to drown. Though the Lord may rebuke us for lack of faith as he did Peter, he will never forsake us.
Be confident. He will catch you before you drown.