Some plants can be set in a glass of water and roots will form. The plant can then be placed in soil and grow into a mature tree, bush or flower. But if you break off a branch of a bush, place it directly into the ground it will wither in a matter of days, all of its leaves turn a crispy brown.
Jesus said that is how some people are who get excited about the word of God, yet do not have any roots in themselves (Mathew 13:20-21). As long as things are going well, the individual is happy and rejoicing, saying all the right words and singing all the right songs. But when persecution comes or things get difficult, the joy comes to a sudden end. The individual moves on to the next exciting fad and disappears.
Jesus’ point is that we must allow the Word of God to take root in our lives. This happens when we put into practice what we have learned, when we continue to trust God when things get rough.