There are at least three main reasons for salt. The main purpose for salt is the preservation of life. Every living animal needs salt, including humans. The second is to flavor food and third is to preserve food. Jesus refers to the second function in his sermon on the mountain. “If the salt has lost its flavor, how shall it e seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men” (Mathew 5:13).
He said that we are the salt of the earth. The message God has given us brings life to those who receive him. We have been granted the privilege of carrying that salt message to the world. If we compromise the truth, our salt has lost its flavor. It is made as nothing and might as well be thrown out and used as gravel.
Without abiding in Christ that is exactly what we will become, gravel, for the mere fact that we no longer carry his salt. We are made of dirt and anything that is based on ourselves is dispensable. That is why we are under pressure to agree with the world. If we agree with them, they won’t have to pay attention to what we say. Our words would be empty pieces of gravel for which to line their driveways.